Ryoichi Mizuhara (水原 遼 Mizuhara Ryoichi) is a character from GTO: Shonan 14 Days.
Ryoichi was abandoned as a baby on the steps of a church. He lived with various relatives before ultimately winding up at White Swan as he became a bother to them. He is a video game fanatic, though not as good as Onizuka, who was able to beat him using only his feet. Ryoichi is also an aircraft enthusiast, a trait he shares with Headmaster Hironosuke Fukumizu. Fukumizu helps him prepare for a competition involving bicycle-powered styrofoam aircraft, but the craft accidentally breaks and Fukumizu is hospitalized when he tests it but forgets to untie the rope attaching it to a car. Onizuka helps Ryoichi win by attaching the wings to his arms and flapping.