Naoko Moritaka (森高 尚子, Moritaka Naoko) is the attractive and eccentric school's nurse who is similar to what Nao Kadena when she first came to the school.
Naoko only appeared in the manga, and her role was replaced by Nao Kadena in the anime of GTO, overall they both have a lot of similarities, such as appearance, background and of course their story.
- The name Naoko means "still, more, yet" (尚) (nao) and "child" (子) (ko).
- Naoko's surname Moritaka means "forest" (森) (mori) and "tall, high" (高) (taka).
- Naoko's birthdate is March 5th 1975.
- Naoko enjoys an erotic pleasure by regularly donating blood.
- Due to Naoko's evident beauty, she will soon become popular between the male students.