Hidero Osawa (大沢 秀郎 Ōsawa Hiderō), also known in the anime as Hideki Ozawa (大沢 秀郎 Ozawa Hideki) is the first 'teacher' that Eikichi Onizuka meets at Musashino Public High School during training. This so-called 'teacher' is a real womanizer: has a reputation for sleeping with his female students and convinces Onizuka that teaching high school is the way to go. Not to mention that, the idea of having a 16-years-old wife at age 40 is irresistible to the 22-years-old Onizuka.
But not long after Onizuka silences Nanako Mizuki's gang, Hideki insists that Onizuka tries it out with Nanako just to keep her shut too. But just as Onizuka's about to go through with it, he learns of Nanako's problems and changes his ways.
After Onizuka finishes his training, Hideki is not seen again, but it is revealed that he was caught having an affair with a student and left for another training session, away from Musashino High.
- The name Hideki means "excellent, outstanding" (秀) (hide) and "son" (郎) (ki).
- Hideki's surname Ozawa means "big, great" (大) (o) and "marsh" (沢) (sawa/zawa).
- "Remember, a guy can be in his forties and still marry a 16-year old. It's not impossible".[1]
- ↑ Great Teacher Onizuka Ch. 2