GTO: Great Toroko Oppai♡ is a short spin-off manga included in volumes 11 and 12 of GTO. As indicated in the title, it follows "Toroko" (Tomoko Nomura) and her adventures in showbiz. "Oppai" means "breasts" in Japanese, Despite being named after Tomoko, the viewpoint character is not her but her manager, Ichiro Okinoshima. He tries to preserve Tomoko's innocence while a more experienced producer, Munakata, makes her popularity skyrocket by putting her in risque situations.
- Scene 1: The Most Famous Actress in Japan
- Scene 2: The Freshie Agent
- Scene 3: To Make A Better Future
- Scene 4: The Office's Gone
- Scene 5: The Purity of A Naked Girl
- Scene 6: The Rumours About that Girl!
- Scene 7: For the Sake of Tomorrow.